U utorak je na području Primoštena preminuo pacijent, a zbog nedostatka liječnika u njegovu je kuću na intervenciju poslan tim Hitne pomoći s dvije medicinske sestre i vozačem. Dakle, tim bez liječnika, iako bi ispostava Primošten prema Mreže hitne medicine morala imati isključivo timove T1 koji obavezno uključuju liječnika u timu, doznaju 24sata. “Točna je […]
The main conceptual idea of the text is a critical shortage of doctors in rural areas leading to substandard emergency medical care.
The article details the death of a patient in Primošten, Croatia, where a hitna (emergency medical services) team without a doctor responded to a call. This highlights the problem of understaffing in rural areas where teams are often comprised solely of medical technicians, not doctors.
The author and sources emphasize this issue, stressing that patients in these areas are put at risk due to the lack of qualified medical professionals during emergencies.
The main conceptual idea of the text is a critical shortage of doctors in rural areas leading to substandard emergency medical care. The article details the death of a patient in Primošten, Croatia, where a hitna (emergency medical services) team without a doctor responded to a call. This highlights the problem of understaffing in rural areas where teams are often comprised solely of medical technicians, not doctors. The author and sources emphasize this issue, stressing that patients in these areas are put at risk due to the lack of qualified medical professionals during emergencies.